Palestra – Semilinear alliptic and parabolic equations via positive semigroups – Wolfgang Arendt (Ulm University – Germany) – 30/01 – 11h

Nesta quinta-feira (30/01) haverá uma palestra ministrada pelo Prof. Wolfgang Arendt (Ulm University – Germany), às 11h, no auditório da nossa Pós-Graduação.

Seguem abaixo as informações:

Title: Semilinear elliptic and parabolic equations via positive semigroups

Abstract: This talk is based on two articles jointly with Daniel Daners (Sydney), one on the elliptic and the second on the parabolic problem (which appeared in 2024 in Discrete and Cont. Dyn. Syst.).

We consider a semilinear problem where the underlying linear operator A is the (negative) generator of a positive, irreducible semigroup. This allows us to simultaneously treat many equations with very little regularity assumptions on the domain or the coefficients. It turns out that properties of positive semigroups (as irreducibility) induce very good results on the semilinear problem. They concern not only existence and uniqueness but also the asymptotic behavior for large time (in the parabolic case). Concrete examples are a competitive Lotka-Volterra model or logistic growth.

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