Na próxima segunda-feira (06/01), daremos início ao minicurso “The Turnpike Phenomenon in Optimal Control“, o qual será ministrado pelo pesquisador Martin Hernandez, da Friedrich Alexander University (FAU-Germany).
O minicurso ocorrerá nos dias 6, 8 e 10 de janeiro, às 11h, na sala 411 – Bloco H – Campus Gragoatá.
Seguem abaixo as informações do minicurso:
Title: The Turnpike Phenomenon in Optimal Control
Abstract: This mini-lecture, we will explore the long-time behavior of optimal controls for both partial differential equations and ordinary differential equations. We will analyze why certain optimal trajectories tend to remain close to steady-state solutions over extended time horizons, a phenomenon known as the Turnpike Property.
The primary focus of this mini-lecture is to introduce the Turnpike Property, beginning with a historical overview and examining its manifestation in prototypical problems in control and optimal control, such as minimal norm control and linear quadratic regulation. By leveraging the stabilization and controllability properties of the system, we will demonstrate how the Turnpike Property emerges and discuss the underlying mechanisms that ensure its presence.
Esperamos vocês!
Secretaria – PGMAT/UFF