O Seminário de Combinatória continua as suas atividades de forma online. Agradecemos a oportunidade de receber a professora adjunta Adriana Juzga León da UERJ.
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Data: 28/08/2024
Horário: 14:00h (Brasil)
Sala: https://meet.google.com/sqs-etsv-tzi
Palestrante: Adriana Juzga León, UERJ
Título: Graph configurations associated with Latin squares and finite groups
Abstract: There are several graphs whose vertex set can be associated with many algebraic structures and whose edges reflect in some way the nature of the algebraic structure considered. In particular, with each finite group we can associate some graph classes. For example, the graph obtained considering the group’s Cayley table as a Latin square, the commuting graph and the power graph. We highlight that, from the detailed study of these graphs, we can investigate some relevant problems in group theory. In this talk, we present a brief description of the Latin square associated with a finite group and some properties of its graph. Finally, we present some open problems for future research.