Olá a todos!
Temos o prazer de convidá-los para o Hybrid BRAG Seminar, que ocorrerá no dia 25 de agosto (sexta-feira), no auditório da Pós-Graduação em Matemática (Sala 407), Bloco H – Gragoatá, a partir das 14h.
Os palestrantes convidados são: Cecília Salgado (University of Groningen) e Ethan Cotterill (UNICAMP),
Seguem as informações abaixo:
14:00 – 15:00 BRT
Title: Mordell-Weil rank jumps on families of elliptic curves
Speaker: Cecília Salgado (University of Groningen)
Abstract: We will discuss recent advances around the variation of the Mordell-Weil rank in families of elliptic curves. The first part of the talk will be dedicated to introducing the theme, motivating, presenting the state of the art and a brief view on the different techniques used to deal with the problem. The second part will cover recent results on rank jumps on rational and K3 elliptic surfaces.
15:30 – 16:30 BRT
Title: Towards Brill–Noether theory for cuspidal curves
Speaker: Ethan Cotterill (Unicamp)
Abstract: Understanding when an abstract complex curve of given genus comes equipped with a map of fixed degree to a projective space of fixed dimension is a foundational question; and Brill–Noether theory addresses this question via linear series, which algebraically codify maps to projective targets. Classical Brill–Noether theory, which focuses on smooth curves, has been intensively explored; but much less is known for singular curves, particularly for those with non-nodal singularities. In this talk, we show how valuation-theoretic techniques may be used to study Brill–Noether-type varieties attached to cuspidal curves of geometric genus zero.
Everyone is welcome to come to UFF to attend the BRAG Seminar on Friday, August 25, 2023. Right after the seminars, we will gather for a happy hour at the Estúdio Onze Botequim, very close to Gragoatá Campus.
For those that cannot be at UFF for this occasion, it will be possible to attend the seminar virtually. The link with coordinates will be sent by email a few days before the seminar.
Check out the corresponding time at your time zone:
Webpages (with links to the slides and videos of previous talks):
Previous talks available at the YouTube channel “Brazilian Algebraic Geometry”
Looking forward to seeing you all soon,
Organizers of the BRAG (Brazilian Algebraic Geometry).