Seminário de Geometria Algébrica – Pedro Souza (Institut für Mathematik, Goethe–Universität Frankfurt) – 05/09 – 14h

Nesta quinta-feira (05/09), teremos um encontro do Seminário de Geometria Algébrica da UFF, às 14h.

Seguem as informações abaixo:

Palestrante: Pedro Souza (Institut für Mathematik, Goethe–Universität Frankfurt)

Título: On the topology of the moduli space of tropical Z/pZ-covers

Resumo: We study the topology of the moduli space of (unramified) Z/pZ-covers of tropical curves of genus g≥2 where p is a prime number. By recent work of Chan-Galatius Payne, the (reduced) homology of this tropical moduli space computes (with a degree-shift) the top-weight (rational) cohomology of the corresponding algebraic moduli space. We prove contractibility of certain subcomplexes of the tropical moduli space and use this result to show that it is simply connected and to fully determine its homotopy type for g=2 and all p.

Data: 05/09

Horário: 14h

Sala: 407 – Bloco H – Gragoatá.

Esperamos vocês!