Seminário de Geometria Algébrica – Nicola Pagani (Liverpool University) – 02/08 – 11h

Nesta sexta-feira (02/08), teremos mais um encontro do Seminário de Geometria Algébrica da UFF, às 11h.

Seguem as informações abaixo:

Palestrante: Nicola Pagani (Liverpool University)

Título: Classification of compactified Jacobians over nodal curves

Resumo: If X is a smooth proper curve, then the Jacobian of X is a classical and well-studied object in algebraic geometry. When X is singular, the moduli space of degree 0 line bundles is rarely compact, and over the last century many efforts have been made to study the modular compactifications of this space, which we call “compactified Jacobians of X”. In this talk we focus on the case when X has at worst nodal singularities. Some compactified Jacobians cannot arise as limits of Jacobians of smooth curves – we regard them as exotic objects. We will see that, if one excludes these exotic cases, then one can give a simple and complete combinatorial classification of all compactified Jacobians. This is based on work of myself with Tommasi, on a paper by Viviani, and on work in progress with Fava and Viviani.

Data: 02/08

Horário: 11h

Sala: 411 – Bloco H – Gragoatá.

Esperamos vocês!