O Seminário de Combinatória continua as suas atividades de forma online. Agradecemos a oportunidade de receber a professora titular Renata R. Del-Vecchio do IME-UFF.
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Data: 28/06/2023 (quarta-feira)
Horário: 14:00h
Sala: Meet – swt-uoda-eyn (google.com)
Palestrante: Renata R. Del-Vecchio, UFF
Título: Graphs with few distinct eigenvalues of the Distance and the Laplacian Distance matrices
Graphs with few distinct eigenvalues, according to Brower and Hammers, are important because they have some kind of regularity. This means that the number of distinct eigenvalues, considering matrices associated with a graph, is intrinsically related to the structure of the graph. In this talk we will present some classes of graphs with few distinct eigenvalues, considering the Distance matrix and the Laplacian Distance matrix. We will investigate some structural properties in these classes, such as forbidden subgraphs.
Os Seminários de Combinatória acontecem na última quarta-feira de cada mês. Agradecemos a presença e a ajuda na divulgação. Compartilhem!