Seminário de Geometria Algébrica e Geometria Complexa da UFF (24 de março)

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Palestrante: Ana María Chaparro Castañeda (UFRJ)

Data: 24/03/2023 Horário: 16h Sala: 407 – Bloco H – Gragoatá


Higher Form Brackets for even Nambu-Poisson Algebras.


Let k be a field of characteristic zero and A=k\left[x_1, \ldots, x_n\right] / I with I=\left(f_1, \ldots, f_k\right) be an affine algebra. We study Nambu-Poisson brackets on A of arity m \geq 2, focussing on the case when m is even. We construct an L_{\infty}-algebroid on the cotangent complex \mathcal{L}_{A \mid k}, generalizing previous work on the case when A is a Poisson algebra. This structure is referred to as the higher form brackets. The main tool is a P_{\infty}-structure on a resolvent R of A. These P_{\infty} – and L_{\infty}-structures are merely \mathbb{Z}_2-graded for m \neq 2. We discuss several examples and propose a method to obtain new ones that we call the outer tensor product. We find a flat Nambu connection on the conormal module.